OREANDA-NEWS. June 03, 2009. The Russian Bank for Development together with the Association of Russian Banks and the Council of Authorized Banks under Moscow Government held a meeting with managers of Moscow and the Moscow Oblast’s financial institutions on the question of the government SME support program implemented by RBD.

In the course of the meeting Dmitry Golovanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Board  detailed on new approaches to implementation of the SME Lending Support Program and answered a number of questions.

Speaking about interaction with the Moscow regional banks D.Golovanov noted that “the Moscow region in many ways is an economic engine including in terms of the small business and it serves as a positive exemplar and best practice for others. Therefore RBD treats Moscow both as a place for implementation its conventional projects and testing new products and offers”.

Alexander Karpov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow City Government SME Support and Development Department, CEOs of a number of authorized banks as well as RBD’s counter-party banks took part in the meeting.