OREANDA-NEWS. On 03 July 2009 was announced, that Gurbanguly Berdymakhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, received Igor Makarov, Head of the International Group of Companies, on the day of opening the Avaza National Touristic Zone on the Caspian Seashore.

Igor Makarov congratulated Gurbanguly Berdymakhamedov with a successful first night of Avaza and pointed out that this large-scale project had an exclusive perspective.

"The world business community, - stressed the ITERA leader, - is much interested in the international sea resort currently under development process.  Presentation of the second stage of construction testified to this fact. ITERA also commenced the construction of a high-class hotel there".

Implementation by ITERA of a few large projects in Turkmenistan was discussed during the meeting. Among those was construction of modern hippodromes in the Balkan and the Lebapski velayats. Cooperation in fuel and energy industries and ITERA plans to develop hydrocarbon fields in the Turkmen shelf of the Caspian Sea were discussed, too.

Igor Makarov confirmed the intention to carry out all partner obligations and stressed that ITERA was ready to participate actively in implementing new large-scale projects related to construction, modernization of industrial infrastructure and telecommunications in Turkmenistan.

The parties coordinated the long-term plans for the team-work and expressed reciprocal confidence in successful development of the mutually beneficial co-operation.