OREANDA-NEWS. July 15, 2009. Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to consider the priority tasks of national social and economic development and the foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan.

Vice Premier B. Khojamuhammedov reported on the results of the talks with the National Iranian Gas Company. It was noted that during the talks the agreements in principles had been reached on an increase of export of Turkmen natural gas to Iran and development of pipeline infrastructure.

Focusing on the traditional friendly and fruitful nature of the Turkmen-Iranian relations Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that the agreements signed upon concluding the talks and aimed at expanding mutually advantageous between the two countries in the strategically important industry would be implemented in a proper manner.

Touching upon the issues of further development of the fuel and energy sector the President focused on the need for a more flexible approach to the national energy policy. The Turkmen leader said that ultimate goal was to build a reliable and effective mechanism for international cooperation based on the respect for mutual interests, financial viability and healthy competition.

Noting that Turkmenistan had significant surplus tank gas the President demanded that the high-ranking officials of the oil and gas departments would accelerate the research of the potential markets for Turkmen energy.

Based on the profound resource potential of the basic sector of Turkmen economy the new approaches meeting the modern realities to international energy partnership should be used more widely, actively and effectively for the country had the boundless opportunities in this field, said Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Vice Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the preparations for an official visit President of Romania Trajan Basescu to Turkmenistan scheduled for July 21-22.

Focusing on the importance of the coming Turkmen-Romanian top level talks Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the visit of the President of Romania, would create new incentives to enhance the traditionally friendly relations between the two states promote furthering the fruitful dialogue between Turkmenistan and the European Union member countries that acquired a new dynamics and was filled with a new content today.

The Turkmen leader noted that the bilateral Turkmen-Romanian contacts had been significantly intensified in recent years and had every requisite to reach a qualitatively new, higher level.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that steadfastly pursuing the policy of peace, friendship and good neighbourly relations Turkmenistan was open for wide cooperation in all spheres. The Turkmen leader emphasized that Turkmenistan would continue to enhance the constructive dialogue with its traditional as well as new partners seeking to realize its enormous natural resources for the common benefit.

Vice Premier T. Japarov reported on the progress in implementing the investment programmes and the measures taken to ensure their successful implementation.

Noting that with every passing year Turkmenistan steadily increased investments in modernization of national industry, development of modern industrial and social infrastructure to ensure the stable growth of national economy and cement the foundations of the people’s welfare Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need for full use of the funds allocated for these projects and compliance with the period of construction of investment facilities. The President authorized the Ministry of Economy and Development to compile the list of these facilities which would submit the monthly reports on the progress in construction. During the sitting the President signed the relevant resolution.

Vice Premier M. Yazmuhammedova reported on the preparations for the celebrations of the remarkable dates in July – Galla Bayramy (harvest Day) and the 14th anniversary of the adoption of the Health National Programme.

Focusing on special importance of the upcoming holidays in the context of the ongoing progressive social reforms in the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded that the celebrations including he bright concert programmes with the participation of the best art groups, cultural workers and artists would be organized and held in a proper manner. The Turkmen leader severely reprimanded the Vice Premier for weakening the control over the activities of the national mass media and demanded that the appropriate measures should be taken to enhance the artistic value of printed materials and improve the quality of typography products.

Vice Premier H. Saparlyev reported on the preparations for the events dedicated to the 14th anniversary of the adoption of the Health National Programme including the ceremonies of opening the medical centres in Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat and the international exhibition and conference.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the Health National Programme adopted during the first years of independence was of particular importance as the documents determining the strategy for development of the national health care system and its effectiveness had been proved by the time. The President said that several architectural premieres would take place during the holidays. These would be the medical centres that would offer high-quality medical service and carry out scientific

Vice Premier N. Shagulyev reported the results of the first meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Georgian commission for economic cooperation including identification of the priority trends in collaboration for the near future. The Vice Premier reported on the deliveries of KAMAZ trucks to the ministries and departments of Turkmenistan under the relevant contract.

Noting that the large-scale reforms launched in the country provided for increased purchases of modern machines and equipment the Turkmen leader focused on the need to thoroughly study the potential of the leading foreign manufactures specialized in this field including the Belarusian partners. The President said that the crucial criteria should include perfect performance characteristics and adaptation of machines for the local conditions of Turkmenistan.

Vice Premier D. Orazov presented a number of the draft designs of several shopping centres which would be built along one of the central avenues in Ashgabat - Turkmenistan Bitarap Shayoly (Neutrality Avenue) to the President for review. The Vice Premier reported on the plans to build the cultural centre in Baharly Etrap Ahal Velayat.

Commenting on the report Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that reforms should come to each region of the country. Newly constructed facilities as well as those which would be built in the capital and regions were the symbols of these reforms. In this regard the President demanded that strict control should be taken over the quality of construction work. Emphasizing that the social sphere was a key priority of the policy of the Turkmen state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said it would be proved by the parade of the building premieres, which would take place throughout the country in July and the following months.

Reporting on the current situation in the agricultural sector Vice Premier M. Akmammedov said that the first stage of the unique hydraulic facility – the Turkmen Lake was ready for operation. The Vice Premier reported on the Galla Bayramy celebrations, which would be held throughout the country on the third Sunday of July.

Emphasizing that the agricultural sector played a crucial role in fulfilling the tasks to increase the people’s welfare the President said that Galla Bayramy was a tribute of respect for selfless and diligent labour of Turkmen grain growers and expressed the best wishes to agricultural workers.

Summing up the sitting the President said that the high-ranking officials must take a more responsible and effective approach to performance of their duties, implementation of the important programmes and response to the needs of the country and people. The President said that whatever issues would be discussed whether it be development of urban and rural areas, construction of roads and apartment houses, enforcement of law and maintenance of public order, education of youth everyone should remember that all of these was a part of the important notion that all of us must valued highly - happiness and wellbeing of the Motherland.

During the sitting the President signed the documents on the appointment of the high-ranking officials.