OREANDA-NEWS. On 16 July 2009 was announced, that the final day of one of the most important for JSC “Far Eastern Generating Company” (JSC “FEGC”) actions for labour protection, which is annually carried out based on one of the branches of the company with conventional name “United Day of Labour Protection” (UDLP). This time it was lasted from June 16 to June 18. The place of action became the settlement Luchegorsk, where is located the branch “LuTEK” of JSC “FEGC”.

Over thirty managers and specialists of labour protection and industrial safety services out of seven branches of the energy company from the entire south of the Far East, and representatives of the state inspectorate for labour protection of Primorsky krai are gathered in Luchegorsk. The working commission was headed by the Deputy of the Chief Engineer of JSC “FEGC” Zinaida KRAVTSOVA.

The subject of three days discussions has became the policy of JSC “FEGC” for providing safe conditions of labour, new legal standards of RF in this sphere and the preparation at the divisions of the energy company the appropriate normative base for fall-winter season of 2009-2010. This work, considered Z. KRAVTSOVA, is a kind of catalyzer for further increase of reliability of power supply of the Far Easterners. But its principal aim is “to create at all the energy companies safe and efficient area of activity in the interests of each energy employee – the person of labour as the highest value of the state and the company”.

Distinctive peculiarity of UDLP-2009 is the consideration of the first results of the complex approach of the JSC “FEGC” towards the governing of production, one of trends of which is the governing of labour protection and systematic response to risks in the labour sphere.

Thanks to realization of the complex program for providing reliability of professional activity and prevention of injures of the staff of the JSC “FEGC”, which is activated in energy company, in 2008 the number of technologic violations in the branches of the company because of wrong or incorrect actions are reduced in more than two times, as compared with the last year. And in the first quarter of 2009 there has been detected decreasing the number of such incidents as compared with similar period of 2008. There are also decreased the number of accidents and the first discovered occupation diseases. Total expenses of the company for labour protection and safety for the last year have increased on 85% and amount over 210 thousand roubles.

Within the frames of UDLP there has been traditionally carried out demonstration technical audit. This time the sites for such action became the shops of Primorskaya TPP and open pit “Luchegorskoe”, which are the divisions LuTEK. Each of them has been inspected individually. At the conclusion of the action the specialists are traditionally exchange the experience in resolving the tasks on labour protection accumulated during the year.

According to opinion of Zinaida KRAVTSOVA, the modern society is clearer recognized that the further development of any production is impossible without setting strickt control over potentially hazardous sites. The matter of safety is coming forth. The energy employees are formed new, “safe”, thinking, there is developing the system of governing of industrial safety and labour protection and its basic compound – the system of risk management.

Thus, there are became a general practice in JSC “FEGC” to carry out weekly telephone briefings, where the heads of the branches are reported on issues of labour protection and work with staff. There is carrying out current analysis of the state of labour protection at the companies, the summaries of which are provided every quarter. There are constantly operating subject working groups. These matters are considering at the branches chief engineers’ meetings. There are carrying a ten-days and annual contests on labour protection and traffic safety, professional contests.

During the repair campaign there is realized a complex of actions for increasing the personal responsibility for safe works implementation. Thanks to “Weeks of Safety” in JSC “FEGC” there is managed to increase observation of labour protection rules and safety while arrangement of works in the electric equipment in electric shops and the shops of heat automation and measurements. The action “Month of safety on elevation works” is also promote the decreasing injuries. Irregular inspections of working places lead to improvement of conditions labour at the CHPPs.