OREANDA-NEWS. August 03, 2009. Azovstal Steel Plant, a part of Metinvest Group, will give job to 186 Mariupol students, reported the press-centre of SCM.

Young people are graduates of Priazovskiy State Technical University, Mariupol Vocational Mechanics, Mining and Metals School and Mariupol Professional Mining and Metals Lycee. Converter, plate, casting and cogging shops as well as a furnace repair workshop and other units applied for new workers. So far the plant has employed fifty two former students.

The project School-University-Plant realized by Azovstal targets to provide education with further employment at the plant. Therefore, it trains specialists to make them as much adapted to production process as possible. The primary objective of the project is to build a succession pool at the plant.

Sixteen students of Priazovskiy State Technical University have taken the courses and been hired by the plant. The lycee and Azovstal have established long-term relationships for the students to find opportunities for internships and further employment at the enterprise. The graduates are free to choose a production area to start their careers. Central electric and technical lab, design and construction department, the technical administration and converter workshop have provided jobs to new young specialists.

"Despite the crisis, we stick to the policy of giving jobs to talented young people and supplying the plant with young skilled workers, who meet expectations and needs of a modern production company. Today it is especially important to ensure that young specialists lose as little time for adaptation as possible when they come to our plant", said Aleksandr Lyubiy, HR and Administration Director, Azovstal.