OREANDA-NEWS. On 04 August 2009 was announced, that on Sunday the law about changes and additions in some legislative acts concerning informative-communicative networks came into operation.

According to this document, all internet-resources: web-sites, web-logs, internet-shops, e-libraries, etc are equivalent to mass-media with corresponding criminal and civil responsibility, though they are not registered by the authorized body and do not get corresponding license.  

This law caused controversy in the society and was critically taken in journalistic community, opposition and international organizations including OSCE where Kazakhstan will take chair in 2010. The law was adopted by the legislative body of the republic on 24th June and signed by the head of the state on 11th July.

This document is directed at the improvement of the system of state regulation of relations connected with the distribution of information in the territory of the state by means of informative ad communicative networks. 

The head of Informatization and Communication Agency Kuanishbek Esekeev in his speech in parliament said: “Internet must be regulated some way. If we let this business slide, we will repeat historical experience of Moldavia when everyone by means of Internet withdrew labor and all events in May (in this republic. – “IF-K”) happened by means of Internet”.

"This legislature is directed at prevention of such mass disorders", - said K. Esekeev.

According to the conclusion of the profile committee of the senate of the parliament, the document includes the norm and according to in a message of foreign mass-media about events in Kazakhstan can be doubted and litigated by an applicant in the territory of the republic, i.e. at the location of the latter.