OREANDA-NEWS. August 26, 2009. In the framework of the official visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Bulgaria the members of the Turkmen government delegation held a series of the talks with the high-ranking officials of the leading sectors of Bulgarian economy on the instructions of the Turkmen leader.

As is reported during the recent government meeting the Turkmen leader put emphasis on the significance on the coming Turkmen-Bulgarian top level talks noting that these talks would open a new chapter in the history of the bilateral relations and promote further development of fruitful cooperation in the framework of the dialogue between Turkmenistan and the European Union. In this regard the talks focused on the prospects for mutually advantageous partnership in compliance with the bilateral agreements and the priorities of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and Bulgaria at a new historical stage.

The sides discussed the issues of trade and economic cooperation that had, by mutual consent, the profound potential for intensification of long-term business contacts. The talks spotlighted the intense interest and willingness of the large Bulgarian companies to expand their operation on the dynamically developing Turkmen market.

The sides discussed the ways to establish fruitful collaboration in the fuel and energy sector and chemical industry. It was noted that the Bulgarian partners’ experience in adopting innovative technologies and applying state-of-the-art equipment would be employed in Turkmenistan.

The talks focused on the opportunities to develop fruitful contacts in food industry in which Bulgaria had substantially advanced and every requisite to concert efforts in mutual benefit existed.

Turkmenistan was very interested in the achievements of Bulgaria, which is famous for a number of the resorts on the seaside as well, in tourism and recreation industry that ranked among the very promising fields of effective collaboration.

The high-ranking officials of the government departments in charge of the social sphere that was a priority of the national policies of both countries held the talks.

The talks focused on the prospects for cooperation in the health care sector, in particular pharmaceutical industry.

The sides exchanged views on the issues of traditional humanitarian cooperation in the spheres of education, science and culture

The intergovernmental talks in Sofia illustrated the mutual intention of Turkmenistan and Bulgaria to intensify mutually advantageous cooperation in the wide spectrum of fields to realize the profound potential of collaboration in the interests of to friendly peoples.