OREANDA-NEWS On 06 October was announced, that Turkish Rixos Hotels Group intends to actively engage in the construction of modern resort infrastructure in the national tourist zone Avaza in Turkmenistan. This was announced yesterday by Rixos chairman Fettah Tamince in the course of a meeting with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Turkmenistan.ru correspondent reports from Ashgabat. He also briefed the Turkmen leader on some specific proposals aimed at establishing close business contacts with Turkmenistan, in particular with regards to preparation of projects to be submitted by the company at the forthcoming presentation of new facilities in Avaza.

Fettah Tamince said that "the high interest of the world business community in this large-scale project increasingly inspires confidence that a truly world class resort will soon appear on the ecologically clean eastern coast of the Caspian Sea." "Favorable investment climate as well as considerable customs and tax privileges enjoyed by foreign businesses are no less significant measure of support," he stressed.