OREANDA-NEWS. February 05, 2010. Mikhailovsky mill, part of PAVA structure, started production of consumer-size general-purpose flour for M 55-23. The new manufacturing line was added to the existing range of high grade consumer-size flour.

Altay flour is produced by Mikhailovsky mill in 5 kg and 10 kg packages. This is especially relevant for wholesaler companies distributing their products through markets and hypermarkets, where that packaging size is quite popular. At the same time, lowered price helped increase the turnover and facilitated business development for the company’s partners.

General-purpose flour is in high demand among those seeking to cut costs of a single purchase, while making a lot of home bakery which requires large flour supplies.

Introduction of general-purpose flour in the assortment allowed PAVA to enter the segment of budget-priced products.

General-purpose flour has high baking and quality characteristics. Its use guarantees elasticity of dough, excellent volume and good layered structure of bakery. It is particularly suitable for cooking bagels, pelmeni and layered dough.