OREANDA-NEWS. April 12, 2010. Ingosstrakh has acted as the sponsor of a series of seminars for agricultural producers held in a number of Russian regions. The goal of these events is to advertise services in farming risk insurance and increase the general awareness of agricultural producers in the regions when it comes to the possibilities presented by insurance coverage. Ingosstrakh is further planning the similar seminars in seven other regions of Russia.

On April 2 the first seminar in the series entitled “Key Issues and Aspects of Agricultural Insurance” held in Tyumen. On April 8 and 9 similar events were held in Kaluga, Tula and Krasnodar. The total number of agricultural producers taking part in the seminar was 170. The idea received active support from RosSelkhozBank, as well as representatives of the regional authorities, including the Department of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Tyumen region, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kaluga region, the Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar region, the Department of Agriculture of the Tula region. 

During the seminars Ingosstrakh had raised a number of most pressing issues, among those the issue of sufficiency of subsidies allocated by the state to support agricultural producers. The company’s experts lectured the agricultural producers about the possibilities opened by, as well as the main characteristics of, agricultural insurance, making a special emphasis on insurance risks and the provisions of the insurance law of the Russian Federation. They had also held a presentation of new products in farming risks insurance without support in the form of government subsidies.

Round-table conferences were held during the presentation giving agricultural producers an opportunity to discuss the new programs in agricultural insurance with the Ingosstrakh experts, and the possibilities of receiving loans and state subsidies for agricultural companies and farms – with representatives of Rosselkhozbank.

“Today insurance has become one of the key elements of safe operation for just any successful company”, pointed out the head of the agro-industrial insurance department of Ingosstrakh, Delyara Sangadzhieva. -“The intelligent choice of a reliable insurer coupled with confident knowledge of the rules of agro-industrial insurance helps to deal with unforeseen losses and equally avoid being involved with various types of swindlers and conmen specializing in state support involving schemes related to crop insurance.