OREANDA-NEWS. May 28, 2010. The Directors of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) approved changes and additions No. 15 (the Amendments) to KASE internal document "Regulations on membership fees and exchange dues" (the Regulations), reported the press-centre of KASE.

The Amendments were agreed with the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on supervision and regulation of financial market and financial organizations (FSA) May 20, 2010 and came in force May 21, 2010.

The Amendments provide a norm releasing the National Kazakhstan Bank of currency trade commissions payable in favor of the Exchange. The norm was earlier set with the Rules on exchange currency trading at the Kazakhstan interbank currency and stock exchange, approved by the Exchange Council August 7, 1995. The Amendments as well specified the size of currency member fees for the National Kazakhstan Bank.

The Amendments specify - the Exchange shall collect commissions for facilities and trading administration regardless if transactions were made during the special trade.

The renewed text of the Regulations will be available at the KASE website at