OREANDA-NEWS. July 09, 2010. Discussion of complex of documents being applied for organization of works on diagnostics of electric equipment took place on the base of IDGC of Centre’s division — “Lipetskenergo”. Principal engineer of the Department for Measurements and Metrology and Heads of specialized departments of 11 divisions of the Company participated in the discussion.

Revision of documents forming measures on diagnostics is caused by structural changes in the activity of divisions. Transfer to new target system of management is planned to be completed by September 1, 2010, and

before indicated period the complex of documents on diagnostics of electric equipment should be completely formed. Within frameworks of this task power engineers have to put regulatory documents regulating measures on direction into experimental operation. This will allow to improve activity of specialized services. Updating SAP R/3 data base regarding diagnostics will be continued as well.

“Plan-schedule of performance of works on diagnostics of all equipment which is common for all divisions will allow to optimize work of specialized services considerably, what, as a whole, will contribute to increase of efficiency of the Company’s activity”, — Oleg Seredkin, Head of Maintenance Service of Lipetskenergo, noted.

Diagnostics of electric equipment is determination of technical state of power facilities with the help of standard measuring means. Estimation made by specialists demonstrates possibility of further operation of equipment, necessity of repair, modernization or technical re-equipment. Up-to-date diagnostics allows to take effective measures providing safety operation of facilities and removal of probable faults. This work strengthens reliability of electric equipment and power supply of consumers, reduces volume, terms and costs of repair measures.