OREANDA-NEWS. July 14, 2010. First children's playground in ОККО network was opened in A la minute restaurant located at ОККО filling complex in Ladyzhynka village of Cherkasy region.

The festive programme was organized on occasion of the opening for children who visited restaurant with parents at that moment. Children of employees of A la minute restaurants and ОККО filling complexes located in Furmanka and Ladyzhynka villages were also invited to the opening. Clowns' performances were another gift for children. Kids who were present at the holiday got a lot of impressions from attractions and bright upholstered furniture set at the playground.

"Comfort and children's interest are important aspects for parents who wander with children, – Andriy Yanchuk, the director of Terrin PE, emphasized. – That is why we treat our smallest visitors very attentively. The opening of children's playground at the filling complex in Ladyzhynka is one of the stages of our children's program implementation. Except a playground, we set children's chairs to give kids comfortable and safe seats at the table, also we plan to set tables for nappy changing in the lavatories of highway complexes. Besides that A la minute restaurants network always offers diversified and nourishing children's menu".