OREANDA-NEWS. September 2, 2010. The first in years meeting of Karelian environmentalists with the maximum highest official of the republic was held upon an initiative of the Head of Karelia Andrei Nelidov.

As the Green Association coordinator of Karelia Dmitry Rybakov said, absence in of distinct ecological policy the region affects both condition of the environment, and its international investment ratings that causes indirect, though essential damage to economy. The situation may be improved with so-called ecological investments. For example, there is a businessman ready to build a modern factory processing firm household waste in Petrozavodsk. As European practice showns, it is much more favourable both for the economy, and for the ecology, than incineration. The main problem with construction of the factory is absence of ground area and necessity to adjust separate gathering and sorting of garbage.

Concerning the ground area the Head of Karelia promised to make a decision, and concerning the garbage sorting he said that other cities of Russia already tried to introduce such practice, howeve, it had let to nothing as people do not want to sort contents of their garbage cans. In Andrei Nelidov's opinion, this is a perfect opportunity for the activity of public organizations to convince fellow citizens that such steps are useful and necessary.

The issue of forests has caused even more heated discussion. Now total area of especially protected natural territories in Karelia makes about 350,000 hectares, and by 2025 it should increase up to 1,5 million hectares. Head of Karelia is sure that the only true way is competent forest exploitation which may and should bring both profit to tenants, and be of benefit to the nature. "A pine more than 100 years old starts to absorb oxygen and emit carbon-dioxide gas, – Andrei Nelidov said. – The age of ripeness in Finland is 60 years, and in our country it is 120 years. Everybody like Finnish woods – clean, beautiful, but officially in Finland there are no woods, there are parks. Do we need the same parks, for example, in Ladoga Lakeside, or do we want wild wood, with wind-fallen and dead trees? We need competent and responsible forest exploitators. Wood should be perceived not as a source of enrichment, but as a source of life. In fact, is a unique renewed resource which at reasonable approach may be used forever."

Chairman of the board of SPOK Karelian regional public organization Alexander Markovsky has suggested to create a department to deal with problems of ecology as now in the Government of the republic there are only three officials in charge of this issue. Head of Karelia has informed, that the new structure of republican authority will include a department responsible for natural resources and environment preservation.

Besides, matters at the meeting concerned protection of animals. A shelter for neglected animals was projected in Petrozavodsk a long time ago, but it has been two years since no money was assigned for its construction. Meanwhile, in the opinion of the co-chairman of Karelian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Maxim Olenichev, practice of extermination of stray dogs and cats has proved its inefficiency – their quantity remains constant. And the shelter would carry out 3 functions at once: nonaggressive animals would subject sterilizations and set free or given in good hands, and aggressive wold be euthanized. As European experience shows, sterilization from 70 up to 80 percent of the population of animals allows to lower its number 5-fold in 5 years.

Head of Karelia said that this initiative is close to him, but there are many people who need of assistance from the budget which incurs a serious deficit of means, thus, refusal of authorities of Petrozavodsk to finance this project is clear. Nevertheless, Head of the republic intends to watch development of this issue closely.

Besides, participants of the meeting have discussed such matters as establishing a 24-hour veterinary clinic for pets, protection of reservoirs, etc. Andrei Nelidov has promised to study all offers of public organizations closely. It is very likely, that many of them will underlie ecological policy which, in general opinion of participants of the meeting, should be developed in the republic in the near future.