OREANDA-NEWS. October 14, 2010. PJSC Concern Khlibprom introduced and certified the Food Safety Management System at fully-automatic semi-finished bakery products plant according to the requirements of international standard ISO 22000:2005. Semi-Finished Bakery Products Plant PU is manufacturing bakery products of high degree of fabrication and fast-frozen semi-finished bakery products for hot puffs of Namynayko TM.

Quality and Food Safety Management System is to prevent negative factors in the production process and ensures the control over the product safety at any stage of production chain — from supply of raw and consumable materials to shipment of the ready products to the customer. As of today, Food Safety Management System under HACCR principles is one of the cutting edge and most accredited international systems of food safety ensuring and control. It has been introduced as obligatory in most EU countries, in particular in Great Britain, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

"Implementing HACCR system at this production unit was considerably easier than at the existing plants since its planning and construction was carried out with the account taken of future international requirements," said Liubov Druziuk, Head of Quality Systems Management Department of PJSC Concern Khlibprom. "During the certification audit held by Bureau Veritas Certification Ukraine we received rather high appraisal of our semi-finished bakery goods production from the international auditor. The audit findings allow us to assess the enterprise prospects in a new light, as well as opportunities of improving the quality management system to the higher level in compliance with such standards as IFS and BRC."

Members of HACCR group carried out the pre-certification audit of all plant’s subordinate units involved in the production process, namely Supply Department, Bacteriological Laboratory, Central Production and Technical Laboratory, Department of Semi-Finished Products Sales, finished products warehouse, Production Department, Department of Logistics, Human Resources Department, Administrative Department. Thus, the readiness of the production unit for certification was confirmed.

According to Liubov Druziuk, the enterprise developed the programs the adherence to which ensured the compliance of the production with sanitary requirements of Ukrainian and International Law, in particular requirements of Codex Alimentarius. Strict sanitary and hygiene requirements have been set at the production unit. To ensure their adherence by all production process participants there has been not only control system but also efficient training schedule provided for.

ISO 22000 Certificate of Conformity is issued for a 3-year period. However, every year during the supervisory audit the Enterprise will have to prove the efficacy, support and improvement of Quality and Food Safety Management Systems to the certification authority.

ISO 22000 Certificate of Conformity is not just a method of raising competitive ability or entering the external markets, but it is a peculiar declaration of Company’s additional efforts taken towards ensuring of the highest quality and safety of own products for a consumer, assumption of conscious responsibility for this product," summed up Liubov Druziuk.

For some time past more and more Ukrainian key players realizing the possibility of business risks assiduously select suppliers placing their stake on those who guarantee the safety of its products. Thus, Metro Cash and Carry Ukraine Company has just declared recently that by 2012 its suppliers will have been certified under HACCR system.