OREANDA-NEWS. June 15, 2011. Troika Dialog will send a delegation of top executives and key experts to participate in events at the XV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, being held from June 16 to 18. As one the Forum events, Troika Dialog and Sberbank of Russia are organizing a special session devoted to the problems facing the global financial system.

Troika Dialog proudly announces it will once again participate fully in events at the XV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Representing the company will be a delegation of key experts providing their assessment of the current macroeconomic situation and the prospects for growth of the world and Russian economies. In particular, Managing Director at Troika Dialog AM Anton Rakhmanov will be a participant of the session "Emerging Markets Shaping a New Global Economy." Chairman of the Board of Directors at Troika Dialog Ruben Vardanian will be the moderator of the session "Financial World: Welcome to the Unknown?" organized by Sberbank of Russia and Troika Dialog. As part of the Forum, Troika Dialog will hold the business lunch "Russia: 20 Years of Transformations."

Among the participants of the session "Financial World: Welcome to the Unknown?" will be directors of leading Russian and international companies, ministries and agencies in Russia and abroad. The modern financial world has recently been faced with many new and unexpected socioeconomic, natural and manmade problems, such as the global collapse of confidence in 2008, the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010, political unrest in the Middle East and the earthquake in Japan. Discussions during the session will focus on the many risks threatening the world financial system and measures aimed both at reducing their number and offsetting the negative consequences.