OREANDA-NEWS. August 09, 2011. Enlarged meeting of the Board of State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on discussion of the results of work activity of the structural and territorial departments, market infrastructure organizations of the State Property Committee during the I-st half-year of 2011, as well as measures aimed at ensuring of unconditional fulfillment of forecasted indicators and major tasks of the State Property Committee during the II-nd half-year of 2011 was held. The meeting was conducted by A. Abdukhakimov - Acting Chairman of the State Property Committee, reported the press-centre of State Property Committee.

The meeting comprehensively reviewed and deeply analyzed the effectiveness of measures taken by the regional departments of SPC on inventory made on the state property sites, including social infrastructure ones being present on the balance-sheets of the previously privatized enterprises, as well as study of previously adopted resolutions of local administration bodies with the aim to reveal cases of unfounded disposal of the state-owned property.

In course of the discussions the numbers of Heads of regional departments were criticized for shortcomings in organization of inventory work on the state property. Among prior issues of the agenda discussed at the meeting was deep analysis of the results of work done on transfer for rent of the temporarily empty state-owned objects.

During the first half-year 2011 receipts gained from lease of state property amounted 14.9 billion soums, which by two-folds exceeds the level of the similar period of the previous year. Rental Centers disclosed 13 557 unused government nonresidential facilities. Over 11,8 thousand lease contracts  of state assets were signed. As a result of leasing of empty state objects by small and private enterprises about 27.5 thousand new job-places were created.

Head of Centre for Rent were charged to provide fulfillment of the established tasks on funds' receipts from leasing of the state facilities during the III-d quarter of this year. In addition, specific tasks on further expansion of coverage zone, disclosure of empty premises, conclusion of new and prolongation of existing lease agreements were put forward.

At the meeting special attention was paid to comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of measures aimed at control over the in-time fulfillment of investment commitments by investors. By status of 01.07.2011 implementation of investment obligations according to 164 contracts is being monitored. During the reporting period investment obligations at size of 23.7 million US dollars (106%) and 20.6 billion soums (105%) were fulfilled. Related to the sites sold at zero purchase price, fulfillment of investment commitments constituted 1.4 million US dollars and 18.6 billion soums.

At the meetings also were discussed issues related to implementation process of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the real estate activity" and measures aimed at development of real estate activity in the country. As a result of the work done during the I-st half-year 2011 two licenses providing the right to perform real estate activity were issued and 122 individuals who successfully passed the exams were awarded with the Realtor qualification certificates.

Meeting participants also comprehensively discussed the progress of implementation of the Program for the development of poultry in the country for the year 2011, approved by the Protocol of the work session held at the Cabinet of Ministers dated 01.03.2011y. № 03-35-12. As a result of measures undertaken during the reporting period 505 new poultry farms containing 2.44 million birds and 1704 new job-places were created. The Heads of regional departments were given specific instructions on elimination of the backlogs and strengthening the work in this field.

Following the discussion made over issues contained by the agenda of the enlarged meeting of the Board of the State Property Committee relevant resolutions, identifying specific steps and persons responsible for ensuring the unconditional implementation of the main tasks for the II-nd half of 2011 were adopted.