OREANDA-NEWS. January 31, 2012. The Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) Igor Artemyev, focused on Russia’s experience of combating cartels, making a presentation at the II Competition Forum of Ukraine in, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

“We’ve learned how to deal with abusing market dominance, but our efforts for combating cartels have just started. Unfortunately, cartels exist in practically all segments of Russian economy”, stated Igor Artemyev.

The Head of FAS reminded that in the Russian Federation cartels are prohibited per se. In the recent years Russia introduced severe sanctions for cartel participants – large, “turnover” fines and criminal liability for up to seven years. At the same time there is a “leniency programme” for the first cartel participant that voluntarily exposes cartel collusion and its participants to FAS Russia.

“FAS has formed a special unit to combat cartels that has already investigated several large cases. The law enforcement bodies have already initiated criminal proceedings against cartel participants. I expect that they will be brought to court”, pointed out Igor Artemyev.

The Head of the Antimonopoly Service reminded that in 2010-2011 FAS jointly with the Ministry of Interior exposed big cartels on the markets of chlorine, power generating coal, insurance services, competitive bidding for the right to supply medicines, etc.

According to Igor Artemyev, effective development of national economy is impossible without “cleaning” it up from cartels.

Igor Artemyev called for more active joint antimonopoly investigations under the framework of the Interstate Council for Antimonopoly Policy (ICAP).