OREANDA-NEWS. April 27, 2012. According to the factual data the volume of oil transportation through the network of main oil pipelines of JSC “KazTransOil” in January - October 2011 was equal to 45 million 085 thou. tons. Comparing to the same period of 2010 the volume of oil transportation increased for 1 million 648 thou. tons, or for 4% (fact for January - October of 2010 was equal to 43 million 436 thou. tons).

The cargo turnover through the network of main oil pipelines of JSC “KazTransOil” for 10 months of 2011 was equal to 28 billion 879 million tons per km. Relatively to the same period of the last year the given indicator increased for 500 million tons per km or for 2% (fact for 10 months of 2010 comprised 28 billion 379 million tons km).

Within the indicated period of current year growth of oil throughput volumes via “Atyrau-Samara” section of "Uzen-Atyrau-Samara" main oil pipeline is noted – 12 million 844 thou. tons, which is for 183 thou. tons or for 1% more than in January - October of 2010 (fact for 10 months of 2010 comprised 12 million 661 thou. tons of oil). Growth trend of transportation volumes of hydrocarbons is kept in direction of CPR – in January - October of current year volume of oil throughput in “Atasu-Alashankou” reached the level of 9 million 354 thou. tons of oil, which exceeds the indicator of the same period of 2010 by 957 thou. tons, or 11% (fact for January - October of 2010 was equal to 8 million 398 thou. tons).

Transit of Russian oil via the section of "TON-2", located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was equal to 4 million 720 thou. tons of oil, the increase by 131 thou. tons or 3%.

Crude transportation through the network of main pipelines of JSC "KazTransOil" to oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan comprised 10 million 863 thou. tons. Supplies were increased in the direction towards Atyrau refinery and towards Petro Kazakhstan Oil Products – 3 mln. 465 thou. tons and 3 mln. 774 thou.tons, which is more than in 2010 for 11% and 6% correspondingly.