OREANDA-NEWS. July 05, 2012. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company took part in the annual International Congress on winter sports, tourism and active recreation which takes place from June 6 to June 9, 2012 in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Chelyabinsk region. The event was initiated by Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "The Forum ‘Country of Sports’" with the support of the Russian Alpine Ski Industry Union and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the purpose of promotion of the federal target program “Development of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015.”

Traditionally, the International Congress on winter sports, tourism and active recreation unites the representatives of federal and regional government authorities responsible for sports, tourism and youth policy, heads of sports public organizations, directors and technical assistants of winter sports and tourist facilities, representatives of commercial entities and sports mass media.

The event program provides for the holding of a plenary meeting, roundtable discussions, training seminars, and workshops. The event participants will also be provided with the theme tours of the sports and tourist places of Ufa.

Within the framework of the business program of the Congress Sergey Zadorozhko, Director of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company Engineering Center, took part in the roundtable discussion “Insurance and financial partnership with insurance companies” and reported on the issue “Insurance risks assessment as one of the key elements of the sports facilities risks management.” Sergey Zadorozhko listed the main risks arising during the construction and operation of sports facilities as well as possible options of these risks’ management. He especially pointed out that the insurance can minimize practically all property risks, third party liability risks, and many other (political, credit, commercial, and operational) risks.

“The fact that Ingosstrakh Insurance Company was chosen as the partner and official insurer of XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi and was attracted as an independent expert with the functions of constant risk monitoring of the construction and operation of the Olympic infrastructure facilities serves as an indisputable proof of the company’s high professionalism in risks assessment and management,” Sergey Zadorozhko said.

According to Aleksey Sokolov, Deputy General Director of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company, the company has a unique experience in cooperation with the organizers of various large scale sports competitions and in provision with insurance coverage of all sectors connected with the preparation and holding of public sports events including the insurance of builder's risks of major sports and Olympic facilities of Russia. “We are ready to offer our insurance experience within the implementation of the republican program “Construction and reconstruction of dedicated sports facilities till 2015,” Aleksey Sokolov said.

The cooperation of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company with the sports movement lasts for over three decades. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company was the general insurer during XXII Olympic Summer Games in Moscow. After over 30 years, on March 15, 2012 the International Olympic Committee approved the status of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company as “Partner – Official Insurer” of XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.