OREANDA-NEWS. November 16, 2012. Production on the Troll C platform in the North Sea is still shut down due to corrosion found in a tank on the auxiliary system for gas treatment on 15 November.
Statoil has now inspected the other tank in a parallel gas treatment system on the platform, and corrosion has been found there as well.

Corrosion under insulation is a well-known problem which is handled in scheduled inspection programmes. The corrosion on the Troll C tanks was discovered during such inspection.

Work is now being done to qualify the repair method and scope of work on the tanks. In a few days we will be able to give more information about the expected duration of the production stop.

Troll C has a daily production of around 120,000 barrels of oil and 10.5 million cubic metres of gas. The Fram licence owns 50,000 barrels of the oil and two million cubic metres of the gas.
 Statoil's ownership interests:
 Troll: 30.58%
 Fram: 45%