OREANDA-NEWS. “The Russian Federation shall preserve transportation of oil to Europe by “Druzhba” oil pipeline, and also we have an aim to secure regularity of supplies to our consumers”, an official representative of TRANSNEFT JSC reported to Petroleum Information Agency (ANI) in view of the results of the Company’s presentation of its investment projects at the meeting of a Coordination group of an oil and oil products Eurocommission on January, 22nd. “We are not going to abandon using the existing oil transportation routes, such as for example “Druzhba” oil pipeline, or not going to grant any of the routes a privileged status. Under the conditions of creation of a powerful oil pipeline infrastructure, it would be namely the market that will determine the directions of oil deliveries in the end”, he said. According to the Company’s representative, the organization of the presentation is connected first and foremost with the worries of the European commission regarding prospects of oil deliveries to Europe. He reminded that in the year 2012 significant infrastructural projects were realized in Russia in oil pipeline sphere – BPS-2 (30 million tons maximal capacity) and ESPO (80 million tons maximal capacity), in connection with it our colleagues from the Eurocommission asked us to point out TRANSNEFT’s plans for oil transportation in direction of the countries of the European Union. “Diversification of export flows of oil which is practiced in Russia is a compulsory measure. Unfortunately, we have many times faced with implications of restrictive measures by transit countries in relation to oil deliveries from Russia, and that infringed upon economical interests of both Russian oil companies and European consumers”, the representative of TRANSNEFT informed.

At the same time, the Russian companies did not find any support from the side of EU to their strides directed to securing untrammelled deliveries of energy resources to Europe, he added. For example, without considering GAZPROM JSC’s opinion, a third energy package was accepted; a project of Burgas-Aleksandroupolis didn’t get the adequate support from EU; there is no any effective mechanism of a dialogue between EU and transit countries (the Ukraine, Belorussia) regarding regulation of a tariff and transit policy, as the representative of TRANSNEFT emphasized. Meanwhile, “the Russian party continues striving to securing reliable oil supply to consumers, to Europe first and foremost” he reported. Realization of BPS and BPS-2 projects has allowed Russia to guarantee a regular transportation of oil and to create on its territory platforms from where oil can be delivered to consumers directly, omitting any transit countries. “Entry into the market of Asia-Pacific region means obeying the tendencies of the global economics and Russia’s eagerness to find a more predictable and stable marketing area for energy resources trading. Moreover, realization of the ESPO project gives an opportunity to development for regions of East Siberia and Far East, and that is extremely important for a consistent development of the Russian economics in general, and what is more, it isn’t determined by export policy”, the Company’s representative added.