OREANDA-NEWS. March 25, 2013. ITERA International Group of Companies (IIGC) is acting as an official partner of the first National Oil and Gas Forum to be held in Moscow. The event is urged to become a new federal-scale debating platform to discuss key issues of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) in Russia. 

ITERA is one of the larger natural gas producers in Russia. The Company established a joint venture with NK Rosneft last year for the two companies to join efforts in developing the gas business. ITERA is going to increase essentially the volume of gas production in the few next years to come for it to strengthen its position in the FEC market even farther. The Company is sure that its participation in the National Oil and Gas Forum will allow for developing an all-round and reliable estimate of the current situation in the oil and gas sector, as well as producing the better forecast for future developments in FEC.

The Forum is organized by the Ministry of Energy of Russia together with leading entrepreneurial and industry associations. Among those are: the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia (CCIR), the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia, the Russian Gas Society.
Participants in the Forum intend to discuss long-term objectives and tasks of the oil and gas industry, development of the market infrastructure of the energy sector, innovations and energy efficiency, analysis of the fiscal policy, creation of a competitive market environment, enhancement of forecasts hydrocarbons’ pricing in the world, the impact the volatility makes on macroeconomic indicators and foreign trade policy, ecological standards and industrial safety in the energy sector.

Igor Makarov, President of IIGC, stated as follows: "The gas industry is on the threshold of new trials related to conversion of markets of hydrocarbons. Therefore, it is very important now to understand what direction we are moving to and to simulate the industry development scenario. It is only a collective effort that may allow for a maximum exact forecast for prospects of the natural gas usage. The National Oil and Gas Forum serves us such a possibility today".