OREANDA-NEWS. Sasol has ranked third in the 2013 Brand Finance Top 50, an annual report on South Africa’s 50 Most Valuable Brands, moving up one place from last year’s fourth position. Sasol’s brand value increased by 8% since 2012, with a brand value of R18.4 billion and an AA brand rating.

The Brand Finance Top 50 Brands, in partnership with Brand SA and Brand Africa, is a survey that provides a measurable, independent account of how well South Africa is doing in building its identity. Launched in May last year, the study measures the financial value of the 50 most valuable brands from South African companies.

Sasol was identified as one of South Africa’s most innovative brands and a strong performer in its sector. The report stated that Sasol’s position at number three is even more impressive considering its sectors lower influence of brand value in the consumer’s purchasing decision. Sasol is the largest corporate taxpayer in South Africa and employs approximately 34 000 people, operating in 38 countries. Sasol was also rated third Most Valuable Portfolio and 10th Strongest Brand.

Vusi Cwane, Sasol’s General Manager: Group Corporate Marketing and Operations said, “We are honoured to be ranked in third position, as the results affirm that Sasol is setting global standards. As a company, we strive to develop innovative technology that encourages maximum brand exposure both locally and internationally, to build on this success,” he said.

According to Ollie Schmitz, Managing Director of Brand Finance South Africa, “Despite all the challenges of doing business in South Africa over the last 12 months, this year’s Brand Finance Most Valuable Brands Survey shows our brands have great resilience and engage innovative strategies to grow.”