OREANDA-NEWS. Belarus' external debt remains within the safety zone, Deputy Finance Minister Maksim Yermolovich told a press conference.

According to him, the economic security parameters remain within the safety zone. “In particular, the amount of the external public debt amounts to USD 12.4 billion. This equals 18.7% of the annual GDP, with the threshold being at 25%,” said Maksim Yermolovich. He added that the country has not done any urgent external borrowing.

As for the internal public debt, its level, according to Maksim Yermolovich, is safe too. Now it is 5.3%, with the threshold being set at 20% of GDP.

Other indicators are within the economic safety margins, including payments on the public debt.

As was reported, as of 1 July 2013 Belarus' national debt amounted to Br139.9 trillion, up by Br11.1 trillion, or 8.6% since the beginning of the year.

As of 1 July 2013 the external public debt stood at USD 12.4 billion, up by USD 438.7 million since the beginning of the year or by 3.7%.

In 2013 Belarus has borrowed a total of USD 1,375.4 million: USD 880 million from the EurAsEC Anticrisis Fund; USD 295.8 million via the state export loan of the Government of Russia for nuclear plant construction; USD 142 million via loans of banks in China; USD 57.6 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Since the beginning of 2013, Belarus made about USD 864.1 million in foreign public debt payments: USD 692.3 million to repay the IMF Stand-by loan; USD 75 million to repay the Russian government loans; USD 48.8 million on the loans of banks in China; USD 5 million to honor other external debt obligations.

As of 1 June 2013 the domestic public debt stood at Br30.5 trillion, having gained Br4.6 trillion since the beginning of the year 2013 or 17.8%.Since the beginning of 2013, Belarus made about Br0.8 trillion in domestic public debt payments.