OREANDA-NEWS.  Vehicles of a new model range to be mass produced by KAMAZ will receive four-digit names meeting European standards.

For the present, the company will change the names of KAMAZ-5490, KAMAZ-65206 and KAMAZ-65207. They will roll off the assembly line under other codes – M1842, T2642 and T2540, respectively. According to Evgeny Makarov, Chief Designer of the project “Production of Advanced Lines of KAMAZ Vehicles”, the letter stands for a vehicle line, the first two digits denote its gross weight, and the last two digits signify its engine capacity.

Mr. Makarov believes that the new names of the vehicles are more understandable both for purchasers and for partners as the old notation of the vehicles doesn’t reflect their purpose in full measure. At the same time, to avoid confusion in the future, it was decided not to change the names of those restyled KAMAZ models which are still rolling off the assembly line and have already become brand-name products.