OREANDA-NEWS. Atomstroyexport (ASE) has won an open competition for the right to enter into contract for construction works on the facility “Cementing complex construction …” for Production Association Mayak, FSUE in the town of Ozersk.

Cementing complex is designed for radioactive waste petrification in cement matrix (compound) and its burial in near-surface storage facility. It will be comprised by two buildings. The first one is five-storey and designed for waste receiving, preparation and delivery to grout treatment facility. The second - two-storey one - will be bulk reinforced concrete consisting of compartments for cement compound pouring and storage.

The united company's scope of responsibility will also include construction of outdoor power, heat and water supply systems, communication, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Besides, NIAEP-ASE will prepare a site for the complex, construct temporary buildings and structures and provide further facility improvement and landscape gardening.

The total amount of works under the contract is 1.48 billion rubles.

According to Tatyana Makarchuk, Head of SNF and RW Treatment Division of Atomstroyexport, this is the third competition for construction and erection works on cementing complex construction for Production Association Mayak, FSUE in 2013, which ASE has won.

“We are satisfied with the results of the competition. The main criteria to choose the winner turned out to be qualification and experience in nuclear facilities construction. Our company is one of the key industry contractors and has all competence required and qualified staff to complete the project on a high-quality level and in the shortest possible period- 270 days”, Tatyana Makarchuk pointed out.

Construction of cementing complex and RW storage facility is implemented in line with Federal Target Program “Nuclear and Radiation Safety in 2008 and the Period within 2015”.