OREANDA-NEWS. February 20, 2014. The 2nd meeting of the Advisory Committee on Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission has started in Minsk. The session will be attended by Deputy Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Timur Zhaksylykov, as well as leaders and representatives of public organs.

Questions of trade policy, industry and agriculture, natural monopolies, transport and energy, tax and monetary policy and financial markets are on the agenda.

In addition, it is planned to discuss changes to a Single Commodity Nomenclature of foreign economic activity of CU and Uniform Customs Tariff of CU in respect of certain types of goods, as well as incontrolled issues on a draft Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.

For reference: Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a single permanent regulatory body of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, started functioning from February 2, 2012. The main purpose of the Eurasian Economic Commission is to ensure conditions of functioning and development of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, development of proposals for the further development of integration.

At the present time the EEC represents three countries: the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus. EEC has the status of a supranational body and is guided by the interests of the Eurasian community as a whole, not motivating its decisions by interest of any national governments. The committee's decisions are compulsive on the territory of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.