Cars and equipment manufacture

30.12.2019, 10:16
The company plans to increase export to 6.7 thousand cars in the new year
26.12.2019, 09:05
Earlier, the automaker announced the termination of cooperation with the agency on its own initiative
25.12.2019, 08:05
The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, said that sales of the Senat model will begin in 2021
24.12.2019, 10:16
The US Securities and Exchange Commission suspected the automaker in artificially inflating data on the sale of cars
18.12.2019, 10:05
The combined company intends to sell about 8.7 million cars a year
17.12.2019, 08:59
These figures include cars sold on the market by Daihatsu Motor mini-car manufacturer
17.12.2019, 08:01
The production of aircraft of this family will be temporarily discontinued in January
16.12.2019, 12:00
The company left the Russian market in 2015
11.12.2019, 12:36
Using a 3D model of a power plant’s turbine, specialists were able to evaluate the deformation and level of mechanical damage with high accuracy
04.12.2019, 08:08
The company also plans to increase its operating profit ratio to 8%
02.12.2019, 09:28
The head of Russian Helicopters Andrei Boginsky also said that this helicopter can be used in the future for air taxi services, police and medical facilities
29.11.2019, 09:50
Now Jeff Williams, the operating director of the company, will be responsible for the company's product design, media reports
22.11.2019, 13:45
Rosstandart explained the reason for the recall by the fact that in cars, due to torsional displacement, the protrusion of the rear wheel arch lining can come off the mounts
11.11.2019, 09:12
According to the publication, most brands increased prices at the beginning of the year within 5%, and in total for 10 months the growth was 9-10%
07.11.2019, 10:46
The indicator for the period from April to September reached about $ 11 billion, which is 2.6% more than for the same period in 2018


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