
22.02.2021, 12:52

They came to these conclusions after analyzing samples of water, silt and sand from the lake, where the Nessie supposedly lives.

19.02.2021, 10:59
Russian tourists have massively planned a luxury vacation in three directions within the country.
11.02.2021, 14:48

The tourist season this year will be much better than last, the first guests can come to Greece in late March - early April, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview with Skai TV channel.

04.02.2021, 12:19

The most popular air routes for travel in February among Russian tourists have been determined.

28.01.2021, 13:59

According to ATOR, starting from January 29, Bulgaria will require foreign travelers to provide a certificate with a negative PCR test for COVID-19.

27.01.2021, 15:50
According to the portal, Russian travelers are massively interested in budget vacations in the Maldives, which are considered the favorite resort of the rich.
25.01.2021, 12:56

Prices are expected to rise by 10-15%, compared to the previous year.

22.01.2021, 16:50

Cyprus is going to open its borders and airports to tourists from all countries from March 1, Turprom reports with reference to the state TV channel CyBC.

18.01.2021, 13:47
A Russian tourist, who often traveled to Muslim Arab countries, said that it was their inhabitants who turned out to be the most "annoying".
18.01.2021, 12:13

Vietnam does not plan to open borders for foreign tourists in the near future, but they are preparing for their return and have already identified one of the mandatory requirements for the entry of foreigners.

15.01.2021, 17:14

Seychelles has opened its borders to all tourists from all over the world. But with one condition - they must be vaccinated against coronavirus.

13.01.2021, 12:48

According to EuroPulse, the Portuguese city of Porto took first place in the Small Cities Index, which evaluates small towns in terms of the convenience of living in them.

12.01.2021, 15:51

Tour operators and air carriers after the announcement of the official date for lifting restrictions and restoring communication between Russia and Egypt will take several weeks to activate the programs and launch the first flights.

18.12.2020, 13:42
According to Rospotrebnadzor, out of 16 countries with which Russia has restored air traffic, only three are safe from an epidemiological point of view.
16.12.2020, 14:19
Thailand has renewed the visa-free regime for Russian tourists.


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