Space transportation

17.04.2020, 22:58

It will take place on May 27, 2020.

17.04.2020, 13:53
US authorities did not want Russian space rocket designers to work in North Korea and Iran after the end of the Cold War
16.04.2020, 16:06
He believes that the US rejection of the RF proposals may mean that Washington has embarked on the deployment of strike systems in space
15.04.2020, 15:27
The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that one of the priorities is the issue of preventing an arms race in outer space
13.04.2020, 23:11

Earlier, it became known that Russian scientists are developing innovative devices for studying the stratosphere and airfields for new apparatus.

10.04.2020, 19:14

According to the corporation’s chief Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian side intends to expand its presence in international markets.

10.04.2020, 15:55
The space partnership of Russia with other countries should develop, despite the challenges, the president noted
09.04.2020, 20:59

Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner and American astronaut Christopher Cassidy are on board.

31.03.2020, 22:00

An astronomical body does not threaten the planet, but the blow will become a training for the system of protecting from other asteroids.

18.03.2020, 17:11

According to SpaceX CEO, a thorough investigation of engine failure will be carried out before the next launch.

12.03.2020, 21:24

Permission was received by International Launch Services, the subsidiary company of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (Russia).

06.03.2020, 18:15

Koichi Wakata said it may happen if NASA decides to buy seats and provide some of them to Japan.

27.02.2020, 22:15

According to researchers, 30–40 % of astronomical photographs will be distorted by traces from the Sun light reflected from the satellites.

20.02.2020, 21:38

It will be relocated to a port in the village of Slavyansk near Vladivostok.

19.02.2020, 20:01

The crew of the spaceship initially included Russian cosmonauts Nikolay Tikhonov and Andrey Babkin, and NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy.


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