OREANDA-NEWS.What is important isn't the mere fact of a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, but concrete agreements to be reached. This was reported to journalists by the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, the correspondent of the Russian media. “Putin is full of pragmatism in terms of international affairs, especially on such an important issue as relations with Ukraine. A meeting for the sake of a meeting, probably, isn't needed by anyone; we need a meeting for the sake of a result”, the Kremlin representative said.

According to Peskov, in relations with Ukraine many issues are on the agenda. “The questions are to have a full understanding of the approaches of the Ukrainian counterparts to the most pressing issues - the implementation of the Minsk agreements and direct contact with representatives of the people's republics”, he explained.

Nevertheless, "in international relations, nothing is impossible", said Peskov. According to him, the president of Russia doesn't reject contacts a priori, doesn't exclude them. “He simply says that we, first of all, need to understand the policy of our interlocutors, their strategic line, precisely to understand the conceptual approaches, because there were certain statements that were contradictory”, said the spokesman for the head of state.

The fact that the meeting of the heads of the two states is being prepared is also said on June 21 by People’s Deputy of Ukraine Mikhail Poplavsky. Moscow and Kiev didn't officially report any contacts between Putin and Zelensky. Earlier in the Kremlin, it was already said that Putin was taking a wait-and-see attitude, while the Russian president himself claimed that he had not refused to contact Zelensky, although he had not received such proposals.