Finances: articles for 05.06.2023

05.06.2023, 14:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of retail and consumer goods sector at 05.06.2023, 14:00 MSK
05.06.2023, 13:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of oil and gas enterprises at 05.06.2023, 13:30 MSK
05.06.2023, 13:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of financial sector at 05.06.2023, 13:00 MSK
05.06.2023, 12:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of metallurgy and mining enterprises at 05.06.2023, 12:30 MSK
05.06.2023, 12:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of electric power generation enterprises at 05.06.2023, 12:00 MSK
05.06.2023, 11:15
MOEX, 05.06.2023, 10:59 MSK.  US dollar and euro exchange rates 
05.06.2023, 11:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Stock index and main Russian shares. 05.06.2023, 11:00 MSK
05.06.2023, 08:48
The Russian-Moldovan company Moldovagaz has requested from the national regulator a reduction in the tariff for end consumers by 36% due to a reduction in the cost of imported fuel into the country.
05.06.2023, 08:22
Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov said that the countries adhere to a flexible approach to the use of different currencies in mutual settlements
05.06.2023, 08:15
Argentina may join the New BRICS Development Bank as early as August of this year. This was reported by the Télam agency with reference to the head of the bank Dilma Rousseff.

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