OREANDA-NEWS  The rate of growth of oil reserves, including gas condensate, in Russia slowed down to a record in 2023. Its reduction to a six-year low, with reference to the materials of Rosnedra, is reported by the Vedomosti newspaper.

Since 2022, the increase in proven reserves has decreased by 30.9 percent, to 565 million tons. This figure fell below the last time in 2017 (550 million tons). In subsequent years, the volume of open reserves ranged from 686 million to 1.04 billion tons.

The growth rates of gas reserves in the past year also decreased to 768 billion cubic meters (minus 7.2 percent in annual terms). At the same time, 43 deposits were discovered during the year — nine more than in 2022. But only one of them turned out to be large — as noted in Rosnedra, in recent years 80-90 percent of deposits have turned out to be small or very small.