OREANDA-NEWS. Shop Apotheke Europe N.V. (ISIN: NL0012044747) has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since today. The total issue volume was approximately €115 million.

The initial listing price was €30.05 and the issue price €28.00. The IPO was run by Berenberg, Citigroup und Commerzbank, with Berenberg as designated sponsor on Xetra and Baader Bank as specialist on Börse Frankfurt.

According to information provided by the company, Shop Apotheke Europe is one of Continental Europe’s leading online pharmacies with a portfolio that focuses on OTC medication and pharmacy-related BPC products. The company operates online pharmacies in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. In Germany, TÜV-certified shop-apotheke.com delivers a broad range of approximately 100,000 original products to about 1.5 million active customers. In addition, Shop Apotheke Europe provides comprehensive and consistent pharmaceutical services. Shop Apotheke Europe generated over €125 million in revenues in the financial year 2015. Headquartered in Venlo (Netherlands), Shop Apotheke Europe also has an administration site for its sales and marketing units in Cologne (Germany).