OREANDA-NEWS  Eggs in Russia may become cheaper in the spring of 2024. Sergey Mitin, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, called the conditions for price reduction, as quoted by the Parliamentary Newspaper.

According to the senator, eggs have risen in price due to an increase in fuel prices and increased demand - prices in certain regions have risen "above acceptable limits." To remedy the situation, the authorities must control variable costs: fuel costs, maintenance of production facilities, wages and transportation. In addition, it is necessary to closely monitor the market, accumulate resources, by throwing them on the market, it would be possible to quickly and without a serious price increase to satisfy the increased demand, Mitin added.

"It is necessary to regulate the market to a certain extent. Look at the bread, for example. We bake just enough bread to meet the needs and demands of people. The market has adjusted itself, learned to track the changing demand and adequately, and most importantly, promptly respond to it. And it should be the same here," he added.