OREANDA-NEWS The volume of Chinese-Ukrainian trade in January- August decreased by 19.5% year-on-year and amounted to approximately $4.86 billion. This is evidenced by the data of the General Customs Administration (GTU) of the People's Republic of China.

According to published statistics, the dynamics of the reduction in trade turnover between the two countries turned out to be less significant than in January - July (-23.6%). It follows from the agency's data that for eight months of this year, China exported goods worth $ 1.67 billion to Ukraine (a drop of 34% year-on-year). Imports to China decreased by 9% over the same period, to about $3.19 billion. The positive balance of the Ukrainian side increased by 61% compared to the same period in 2022, to $1.52 billion.

The cost of products that China sold to Ukraine in August alone reached $244.96 million. This is 5.8% less than in July. The flow of goods in the opposite direction amounted to $182.95 million, having decreased by 45.6% over the month. As a result, the August trade turnover of the two countries amounted to $427.91 million and was 28.3% less than in July.

Ukraine is a leading supplier of corn to China. It follows from the statistics of the GTU that this agricultural product accounts for approximately 54% of the value of China's imports from this country. Other main products traditionally imported from there to China are cake and sunflower oil, which account for about 34%. Other nomenclature includes barley, ferronickel, beef, soybeans, other food products, raw materials and semi-finished products. According to customs, China has not purchased wheat from the Ukrainian side this year.