OREANDA-NEWS. May 17, 2016. A new iPhone diagnostic app has been given the cold shoulder by Apple.

Released little more than a week ago, an app dubbed System and Security Info aimed to deliver core details about your iPhone, including your CPU, memory and disk usage along with a list of all running processes. More critically, the app aimed to reveal if your device had been jailbroken, compromised in some way or possibly infected by malware.

On Saturday, Apple removed System and Security Info from its App Store as noted in a series of tweets by its creator, German security researcher and iOS hacker Stefan Esser. To justify its action, Apple faulted the app for providing "potentially inaccurate and misleading diagnostic functionality for iOS devices." Apple added that there is no current infrastructure to analyze iOS diagnostics, and that's why the app might report invalid information.

Despite Apple's guidelines, the company has a history of inconsistency in determining which apps to approve and which ones to deny. An app can sometimes be approved initially but then get the heave-ho from the App Store if Apple later decides it ran afoul of one or more of its developer rules and regulations.

In several follow-up tweets, Esser faulted Apple for killing the app. System and Security Info went through three reviews at Apple due to bug fixes and was "suddenly considered unwanted" after the fourth review, according to Esser. Apple also said that showing a list of running processes on your iPhone is considered a privacy violation, Esser added.