OREANDA-NEWS. On May 22, 2007 Skoda JS, a part of OMZ (Uralmash-Izhora Group) (RTS: OMZZ; LSE: OMZD; OTC: UHMVY), announced that it has passed a re-certification audit ensuring conformity with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code for Skoda’s facilities for the production of equipment for nuclear power plants, reported the press-centre of OMZ.

The company arranged a production demonstration the final stage of which - welding, non-destructive methods of inspection and pressure tests - were held in the presence of ASME auditors. Production documentation and general documents relating to quality control were also checked during the audit procedure. The AMS audit team expressed satisfaction with the final stage of the demonstration, and the level of production quality. The certificate has been extended to June 2010.

The successful re-certification has confirmed the traditionally high production quality level, and is a reference which confirms Skoda JS as one of the leading and internationally-competitive producers of nuclear installations. Currently about 90 companies are certified in accordance with the ASME Code for the nuclear industry, with just 15 of them in Europe.

OMZ (Uralmash-Izhora Group) is one of the largest Russian heavy industry enterprises. It specializes in engineering, production, sales and maintenance of equipment and machines for the nuclear power industry, and also in the production of special steels. OMZ divisions’ facilities are located in Russia (Uralmash and Izhorskiye Zavody) and the Czech Republic (Pilsen Steel and Skoda JS). Currently OMZ is focused on a program related to the optimization of its business processes. The program is aimed at raising the company’s efficiency and investment attractiveness.