OREANDA-NEWS. In the first six months of the current year the Production Association “Byelorussian Steel Works” increased its export by 41% compared to January-June 2006 and equals to $744 million, and volume of sales grew by 48% up to $898 million, reported the press-centre of “Byelorussian Steel Works”.

As press service of the Byelorussian embassy in Russia informed, during six months sales income of PO BMZ doubled compared to the same period of the previous year and net income grew thrice.

According to the forecast of Nikolai Andrianov, Director General of this enterprise, in 2007 BMZ plans to sell its products by $1,5 billion. The amount of earnings will rise by 30% compared to 2006.

According to Nikolai Andrianov the general commodity output of the Association in 2006 was $1,2 billion. BMZ sold its products by $1,08 billion. Rechitsa Hardware Plant earned $60 million, Mogilev Metallurgical Plant - $30 million.

The General Director underlined that the lifetime of the Production Association “Byelorussian Steel Works” counts only a year and a half. During this period $12 million of extra profit was gained owing to the Association. He pointed out that this is the result of intensification of cooperation between the plants as tasks started to be solved with consideration of interests of all these enterprises.

The Production Association “Byelorussian Steel Works” includes four enterprises: BMZ, Rechitsa Hardware Plant, Mogilev Metallurgical Plant and Sewing Machines Plant in Orsha.