OREANDA-NEWS. Over nine months of 2007 at the Kingiseppsky enterprise of EuroChem Mineral Chemical Company the amount of production of core products was 563 thousand tons (at the level of the previous year) includ-ing mineral fertilizers – 419,1 thousand tons (101,2% to the similar period of the year 2006), defluronated phosphate (DFF) – 143,9 thousand tons (94,5 % in relation to the previous year). The main accent was put on production of highly concentrated ammophos, reported the press-centre of EuroChem.

Within the framework of the total nomenclature of fertilizers the amount of ammophos with content of 52,45% Р2О5 – 404,1 thousand tons which by 58,3 thousand tons (16,9%) exceeds the amount for 9 months of 2006. On the basis of the order placed by OJSC “Lenoblagrochim” ammophoska-unuversal (complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer) at the amount of 11 thousand tons for agricultural producers of the region. The volume of output of super-phosphate – 4 thousand tons (52,6% to the part year volume). 

Nomenclature and volumes of produced goods were determined by market nomenclature, in particular, increased demand for ammophos and increase in price for phosphorous fertilizers of certain composition as well as by economic efficiency of production of this or that type of fertilizer. For example, availability of potassium raw material at the acceptable price permitted to produce ammophoska-universal for the region.

 Production volume of sulphuric acid for internal needs – 510 thousand tons turned out to be at the level of 95% in relation to the past year level. Insignificant decline in output of products is explained by large-scale repair works at the subdivision. The volume of extracted phosphoric acid produced for internal technological needs (100% Р2О5) amounted to 236,9  thousand tons (105.8% to the level of 9 months of 2006).

In total, at the main technological subdivision the program for production and shipment of products has been fulfilled: for production of core products by 100%, for shipment – by 104,8%.