OREANDA-NEWS. From January 1, 2008 Belarus is launching the production of newsprint. Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky surveyed the progress in the construction at the Newsprint Plant in Shklov, reported the Official website www.government.by.

Almost 100% of the technological equipment has been installed at the plant; electronic control systems are being adjusted, the chairman of the Bellesbumprom concern, Vladimir Shulga, told reporters. In December this year, the plant is expected to manufacture its first products under a so-called short scheme. It means that a technology will be adjusted in the shortest possible time. The production of newsprint from thermomechanical mass will be launched in mid December. Thus, the construction of its treatment facilities and the thermomechanical mass works should be completed by December 1, 2007.

Vladimir Shulga noted that all other strategic issues have been settled. The construction and financing meet the schedule, Vladimir Shulga informed. A 60-apartment house for the workers of the plant has already been constructed. A canteen of the plant will be inaugurated in a week.