OREANDA-NEWS. November 30.  The Gazprom Headquarters has hosted a meeting dedicated to construction of a branch pipeline to the towns of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk and to prospects of gasification in the Arkhangelsk Oblast. The meeting was moderated by Alexander Ananenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Attending the meeting were heads and specialists of the core business units of Gazprom and its subsidiaries including Severgazprom, Giprospetsgaz and Mezhregiongaz.

The parties mentioned that the construction of the branch pipeline from the Ukhta-Torzhok gas main system to the towns of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk was running according to the schedule. Two large administrative and industrial centers in the Arkhangelsk Oblast will be additionally gasified and the regional gasification level will be increased after the gas pipeline construction is completed.

Additionally Promgaz developed a General Scheme for the regional gasification, which was approved by the Arkhangelsk Oblast authorities. The General Scheme execution will enable to provide gas to the regional consumers.

The meeting participants addressed the necessity for the Arkhangelsk Oblast Administration to timely execute the work on preparing consumers for gas intake.

The Gazprom core business units as well as Severgazprom, Giprospetsgaz and Mezhregiongaz were tasked to complete the branch pipeline construction.