OREANDA-NEWS. December 25, 2007. On the 13th of December, ING celebrated official opening of Life Insurance operations in Russia. The reception took place in Moscow, at Tsereteli Gallery under the slogan "The most precious is life", the ING press service reported.

The Inauguration event has gathered about 200 prominent representatives of Russian business community, including top managers of major international life insurance companies, local insurance companies, international reinsurers and banks. Russian government and Federal Service of Insurance supervision representatives have also honored the event. The event was attended by 50 representatives of local business and lifestyle media, including TV crews: RBC and Ren-TV.

Hosts of the evening - Tom Kliphuis, CEO Life Insurance Central Europe and Olga Ruf-Fiedler, CEO ING Life Russia have accentuated the essentials of Life business and marked perspectives of the Russian insurance market. Following the official part of the event, Ivan Urgant, the presenter, have opened the "life-o-meter" - a special entertainment program, which evaluates life in three dimensions: experience, achievement and relationships.

Russian celebrities has taken part in the interactive program and shared personal stories of success, achievement, experience and planning for the future. Special quest of the event - Perry McCarthy, former racer of Formula 1 has introduced ING Renault F1 show car and made a speech about ING sponsorship of Renault Formula 1 team.

"Life is full of moments that we shall recognize, appreciate and protect, because the most precious is life," underlined Olga Ruf-Fiedler. Guests raised glasses in honor of success of new business.