OREANDA-NEWS. On January 25, 2007 a major breakthrough has been secured in setting up the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said commenting on results of a session of the EurAsEC Interstate Council. The session involving heads of government took place in Moscow, reported the Official website of www.government.by.  

Sergei Sidorsky explained, all in all, 30 agreements have to be signed to complete the establishment of the Customs Union. Four of them were signed earlier by the presidents of the three countries, another nine — by the prime ministers of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan on January 25. According to the Belarusian Premier, the remaining documents will be signed within the next two years.

Sergei Sidorsky also underscored, the establishment of the Customs Union Commission will be the next important step on the way towards setting up the Customs Union. Step by step the Commission will take the authority to regulate overseas trade of the member-states.

A productive level of cooperation between the governments of Belarus and Russia has been established, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said as he commented on results of negotiations with Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov. The negotiations took place in Moscow on January 25.

Sergei Sidorsky remarked, the two countries have a range of issues the governments need to discuss regularly. He explained, such issues are related, first of all, to transport sphere, including cargo transportation between the two countries, the fuel and energy balance and several others. Working parties have been set up to discuss these issues. On January 25 the two Prime Ministers heard out reports of Belarusian and Russian Vice Premier Andrei Kobyakov and Sergei Naryshkin.

The Prime Minister of Belarus also said, the next Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental talks are scheduled to take place as part of a session of the Union State Council of Ministers in Minsk on March 21.