OREANDA-NEWS. January 25, 2007. Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and EurAsEC member-states has growth by more than 34%, Kazakh Prime-Minister Karim Massimov said at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Council in Moscow, reported the Official website of http://en.government.kz.

Head of the Government said that “there are certain state priorities and tasks that are inextricably intertwined with further development of Kazakhstan’s strategic cooperation with its EurAsEC partners”. In his opinion delaying of the unification process may provoke a situation when our countries’ products become noncompetitive even at internal markets”.

Karim Massimov repeated Kazakhstan’s proposals, including its intention to host a meeting for EurAsEC manufacturers and entrepreneurs in Astana “to discuss founding of the Eurasian Business Congress”. “Our state possesses sufficient investment capacities to implement promising innovative projects in Eurasia”, Mr. Massimov said. He also added that Kazakhstan was willing to participate in joint high-tech projects and is ready to provide a platform for close cooperation in the scientific realm via creation of the Eurasian Scientific Club.

Kazakh PM believes that issues concerned with collective usage of Central Asian water-and-energy resources and establishing of a joint energy space for EurAsEC member-states need further consideration. Cooperation in development of transport and transit potential remains a matter of strategic importance.

PM Massimov also announced results of our country’s economic development in 2007. He marked that for the first time in history of the country’s economy its processing industry’s growth rate is stably ahead of extracting sector’s one. According to Kazakh Prime-Minister the republic will maintain its “stably moderate economic growth rate” in 2008-2010.