OREANDA-NEWS. February 19, 2008. D. Panishev, Deputy Head of Federal Communications Agency told of the main goals of state support and postal communications control in 2008 at the Section "Postal service" within the framework of the Enlarged Session of the Collegium of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation. "Results of 2007 show post undergoes considerable development setting new important goals before us", he noted, reported the press-centre of Russian Post.

D. Panishev marked four main groups of goals Russian Post and Federal Communications Agency to solve in the near future. The enterprise’s work on assets security and improvement of efficiency are the goals for the Group 1.

Alterations in regulatory structure to optimize postal communications and Russian Post’s efficiency improvement as the federal postal operator are the goals for the Group 2. It primarly concerns internal documents regulating information exchange, post offices establishment in towns and rural settlements and other.

The goals for the Group 3 are points for infrastructure development of network, logistics, service quality and other. "We have to know how to change strategy for tactics competently", noted D. Panishev.

The Group 4 has financing goals. To develop postal service efficiently state is to compensate loss of universal postal service and adjust tariff rates.