OREANDA-NEWS. February 20, 2008. Ukio bankas Board chairwoman Edita Karpaviciene and Board member Rolandas Balandis participated in the Lithuanian businessmen’s delegation accompanying the Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus during his visit to the United Kingdom, reported the press-centre of Ukio bankas.

During official dinner hosted in London on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Lithuanian state reestablishment the Lithuanian President conferred the award on the former Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher for her merits in relations with Lithuania. This event was also attended by the Lithuanian City of London Club members, representatives from the Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce and the Lithuanian community, UK politicians and UK media representatives.

Mrs E. Karpaviciene and Mr R. Balandis participated in the round table discussion “Globalization and Financial Markets”. This discussion was opened with the speech made by David Lewis, Lord Mayor of the City of London being the worldwide financial centre. The Lithuanian President V. Adamkus made a congratulatory speech. Lithuanian Minister of Finance Rimantas Sadzius delivered report “Financial Environment in Lithuania”, which presented an overview of Lithuanian economic achievements and prospects. Ukio bankas executives actively participated in the round table discussion held afterwards with representatives from the Lithuanian finance service sector and representatives from the City of London finance service companies. During this discussion Mrs E. Karpaviciene and Mr R. Balandis raised relevant issues concerning the possibility of a more rapid and close cooperation between the Lithuanian and UK finance sectors. In their words, the legal and economic basis for the integration of the finance service centre has already been established. Another step is active cooperation and reciprocal understanding of the market participants themselves.

“After Lithuania joined the European Union, it sees real prospects for the development of the finance service sector not only to the neighbouring countries but also to other EU states, including the United Kingdom. Lithuania, in its turn, has become open to the financial institutions of foreign countries. Therefore, it is our opinion that similar discussions with representatives from the foreign finance sector help develop cooperation that is beneficial for both parts as well as search further possibilities for such cooperation,” Edita Karpaviciene, Ukio bankas Board chairwoman, said.

The discussion attracted representatives from such financial institutions as Credit Suisse, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, UK Trade and Investment, FSA and others.