OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 March 2008 was announced, that the net profit of “Small-size Transformer Plant” (MGT) came to 1.88 million hryvnias in 2007. This number exceeds the activities of the previous reporting period on 30 per cent. February, 29 at a regular stockholders’ meeting it was decided to use the profit for the full replenishment of the company’s floating funds. Alina Zima, Director General of “MGT” noted in her report: “This decision is connected with the conditions of high concurrence and the necessity of growing production facilities.

In 2008 we intend to increase the showings of the last year. Considering this we need to essentially optimize our inputs, engineering processes, to work on competitive transformer constructions, improvement and renovation of production equipment, to raise the level of our personnel skills and the quality of the production”.

Labor remuneration fund grew and came to 3 million 232 thousand 900 hryvnias. At the same time the average salary increased on 27.5 per cent.