OREANDA-NEWS. May 05, 2008. Russian Railways is investing over 725 million roubles in 2008 in the project “Ensuring Environmental Safety”, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.

According to the investment programme, during the current year it is planned to carry out on the rail network the construction and reconstruction of 24 environmental protection facilities, 13 of which will be put into operation in 2008. In addition, it is also planned to develop the designs and cost estimates for 24 environmental facilities to be built in 2009.

The investment project “Ensuring Environmental Security” also provides for the purchase of 136 units of plant and equipment to clean up emissions and waste, 394 pieces of technical equipment to eliminate damage to the environment following accidents, 316 analytical instruments and measuring devices for environmental laboratories and 21 sets of special laboratory furniture, as well as 9 mobile environmental laboratories mounted in cars.